The story

Diversification of the Dental Offer

W3 Lab Digital Agency provided Facebook Ads services to MND Dental in combination with the development of a high-converting landing page in order to promote their course.


The course promotion was a great success that resulted in:




More Website Visits


Generated Profit



Client Background

Sharing the Know How

For over three decades, MND Dental has been a leading dental office specialising in aesthetic dentistry. They aim to raise awareness of the importance of orthodontics for children. Since they are pioneers in the market in practicing the special Myobrace treatment, they wanted their colleagues to be able to offer the same to their patients.


The Myobrace treatment has proven to be the best treatment for correcting children’s teeth, breathing problems, and bad oral habits. MND Dental wanted to share their experience and expertise with others through the Myobrace educational course. Course participants would eventually receive a Myobrace certificate that would enable them to provide this treatment in their offices.

The Goal

Reach out to Fellow Dentists

The client approached us to create a Facebook ads campaign that would increase attendance at their upcoming dental course. The course was about an innovative technology for straightening teeth (especially for children) called Myobrace.


By partnering with W3 Lab, MND Dental sought to reach as many dental office owners and ortodonics specialist.


Aiming Right at the Target

We started the entire project by designing and developing a compelling conversion-oriented landing page for the course.


The landing page we created was a crucial component of the campaign’s success. It featured a captivating hero shot that showcased the Myobrace technology, detailed information about the course, its objectives, and the benefits of attending.


Additionally, we included testimonials from the participants, all of whom were doctors and dentists, sharing their positive experiences and the value they gained from the course.


The landing page also emphasised the key benefits of the course, highlighting how it could enhance the attendees’ skills and knowledge in using Myobrace technology. We also clearly outlined the payment options, ensuring transparency and facilitating a smooth enrollment process.


For the campaign to be successful, it was necessary to bring people to the landing. And we did it through Facebook ads.

Our team developed a targeted Facebook ads strategy that would reach dental professionals interested in continuing education.


We also used Facebook’s advanced targeting features to ensure that the ads were shown to the right people, based on factors such as job title, interests, and geographic location.


A lot of challenges were ahead of us, such as a 4-day deadline and explaining the complex Myobrace technology to a market that had not had the opportunity to encounter it before.


Thanks to the hard work and great expertise of our PPC specialists, we managed to get the job done right and on time.

The Results

A Smile on the Client’s Face

  • Facebook ads campaign and the well-designed landing page helped us achieving results worthy of mention for MND Dental.
  • With over 1300 dental professionals reached with our ads, we maximised the reach to the target audience.
  • We generated a maximum of 90 new attendees for the course, effectively selling out the available spots within the 4-day deadline.
  • Overall website traffic was increased 25%, indicating the successful integration of the Facebook ads and landing page.
  • In the end, we have achieved an outstanding 9.6x return on investment (ROI) for the campaign, demonstrating its effectiveness in driving attendance and revenue.

What we used

Design and Development
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Facebook Advertising
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