Case study
Omnico is a distribution company founded in 2009 and it operates within the Polimark Group. Their primary business is the distribution of fast-moving consumer goods in Serbia. They are distributing both domestic and fereign products. Their mission is to provide a complete service to all of their clients in the supply chain with the constant innovations, new technologies, improving the quality of services and process improvement.
We have been assigned to create a whole new website from the ground up. Their business relies on speed, accuracy, reliability and efficiency so the website had to have the same features. The website achieved the highest scores on speed and performance tests. We created it so that it is technically flawless.
The second part of our job included writing quality and eye-catching textual content. That content had to be such that when potential customers visit the site and read the content they know that it is a reliable and trustworthy company. Those are very important things in this line of work.
In the end we were all satisfied with what was done and we hope for some future cooperation.